Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I’m enjoying GT so far, and it’s actually a lot more fun than I had anticipated. There are tons of things to do and new people to meet and do these things with, and meeting new people is a much smoother process than I expected. Dorm life in particular makes meeting people easier and there is never a dull moment when people are living all around me instead of the isolation I lived in when I was at home. When I need to study, there are always people in my classes to study with along with the perfect place to work, and being on a college campus means there are plenty of places to go once we are done studying. With all of the good opportunities to study and to study well, classes have been easy so far. There is more homework than I expected but the smaller number of tests per semester is a nice change of pace from weekly or semi-weekly tests. I haven’t experienced too much of Atlanta yet as finding my way around and enjoying Tech has occupied most of my time, but since I live an hour and a half away I know my way around the city and not much is new to me. I am looking forward to living here full-time, not to mention going to see the Falcons and going to Music Midtown soon. College is a lot different from high school, but in reality it doesn’t feel all that different. I have to feed myself and do my own laundry but I still keep in touch with friends through text and Facebook and two of my friends from high school accompanied me to Tech so the transition was even easier. I still talk to my parents as well and I know that while they don’t live with me anymore they’re still there should I need them. I particularly want to experience a Falcons game and Music Midtown out in Atlanta. I haven’t really followed professional football much in the past so it’s a new experience I’ve been waiting to have and after going to Bonnaroo this summer I’m very excited about getting to see more concerts at Music Midtown. I’ll also be going to hang out with friends at Six Flags this Friday, which is a new experience because even though I live in Georgia I’ve never been to Six Flags Over Georgia. Last but not least, I look forward to getting involved on campus and continuing to attend on campus events as they are hosted.

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